Acclimatized Earthworms

Earthworms are called farmers friend. Earthworm does the major work of tilling soil and creating pores in the soil which help in aeration of soil as well help retaining moisture

Vermiculture technology for treating sewage sludge and ETP bio-sludge is the unique innovation based on the simple principle of earthworms action

Vermiculture technology for treating sewage sludge and biological secondary sludge is one of the best natural treatment methodology. However, doing it right is important so as to not give rise to fatality among earthworms.

We provide acclimatized earthworms for the sludge treatment. This is a cost-effective technology in managing organic sludge.

Acclimatized earthworms works fast and can help in treating any thpe of ETP biological sludge be it from Dairy Industry or Petrochemical industry